Radclyffe Hall

United States LGBT History for 1927

 State equality and discrimination bills

          New York
                    New York state legislature tries to ban gay-themed plays while “Well of Loneliness” by Radclyffe Hall                     published. Great Britain destroyed all of the printed copies as “obscene”. The adaptation "Children                     off Loneliness" starts in theaters.

Bunny Breckinridge

President Calvin Coolidge

          Washington D.C.
                    First appearance of "lesbian" in the Congressional Record. Congressional Record: Proceedings and                     Debates of the 69th Congress, Second Session. Vol. 68 pt. 3. February 8, 1927, p. 3267.

          Washington D.C.
                    First appearance of "homosexual" in the Congressional Record. Congressional Record: Proceedings                     and Debates of the 69th Congress, Second Session. Vol. 68 pt. 2. January 19, 1927, p. 1943.

                    Bunny Breckinridge started his career in drag as a burlesque performer. He married a woman once                     but it only lasted two years. When he died he said that he had lived his life grandly!