                    Church leadership discovers that the Patriarch of the Church, Joseph F. Smith had had intimate                     relations with younger men. President George Albert Smith wrote in his journal that the First                     Presidency and Twelve Apostles met in his office where they discussed the issue. George Albert                     Smith wrote in his journal 10 July 1946, “Jos Patriarch case considered. Bad situation. Am                     heartsick.” Joseph F. Smith was quietly released from his calling and sent to Hawaii. David O.                     McKay instructed the stake president in Hawaii to “rehabilitate” Smith.

 State equality and discrimination bills

President Harry S. Truman

          Washington D.C.
Director of Kent County veteran's center urges Navy to liberalize its strict stance on homosexuality.

James Merrill a poet publishes his first poetry collection “The Black Swan”

                    John Horne Burns wrote “The Gallery”. It depicted life in Allied-occupied North Africa and Naples in                     1944 from the perspective of several different characters. He explored the resentment of the military,                     his struggle to assert his individuality within the complex war effort, the tension between officers and                     enlisted men, the psychological effects of dislocation, economic and social inequality between the                     Americans and those they defeated, the experience of homosexual military personnel, and the                     popular life of Naples in 1944 under the Allied occupation.

United States LGBT History for 1946