President John F. Kennedy

                    Ernest L. Wilkinson, President of BYU, met with BYU general counsel Clyde Sandgren, the new                     Dean of Students, J. Elliott Cameron, and Apostle Spencer Kimball and Mark E. Petersen “on the                     question of homosexuals who might possibly be part of the student body.” They developed a                     cooperative system where Mormon General Authorities and other Church administrators would give                     BYU any information they obtained about homosexuals on campus and BYU would give Church                     administrators information about homosexual church members. They decide, “as a general policy                     that no one will be admitted as a student at the BYU whom we have convincing evidence is a                     homosexual.”

          Washington D.C.
                    Manual Enterprises, Inc. v. Day, 370 U.S. 478 (1962) Held that magazines consisting of photographs                     of nude male models are not obscene

                    Homosexuality, along with alcoholism, is studied by the House of Bishops of the Protestant                     Episcopal Church. It is referred to as a “standard weakness.”

 State equality and discrimination bills

United States LGBT History for 1962

                    Michael Rumaker an author that is best known for his semi-autobiographical novels that document                     his life as a gay man in the 1950s and after. He published “The Butterfly: A Story in Nine Parts”

          New York
                    The first known positive radio program about homosexuality is broadcast on WBAI in New York City.                     Gay rights activist Randy Wicker and several other gay men participated in a 90-minute program to                     talk about their lives. The program received positive coverage from mainstream publications such as                     The New York Times, Newsweek, and Variety.

                    The first LGBT business association, the Tavern Guild, was established.

                    An Oregon legislative committee investigating “social problems” learns that the Oregon State                    
Hospital recently fired several Lesbian employees.

                    Illinois repeals its sodomy laws, becoming the first U.S. state to decriminalize homosexuality.

          February 5 - ​National
                    First use of the term “homosexual” in a feature film shown in the US (British movie “Victim”); motion                     picture code seal of approval is denied. The code by this time was outdated and was soon                     abandoned because it wasn’t enforceable.